
6.6.1 ページのキャシュ



import scrapy
import re

BASE_URL = 'http://en.wikipedia.org'

class NWinnerItem(scrapy.Item):
    name = scrapy.Field()
    link = scrapy.Field()
    year = scrapy.Field()
    category = scrapy.Field()
    country = scrapy.Field()
    gender = scrapy.Field()
    born_in = scrapy.Field()
    date_of_birth = scrapy.Field()
    date_of_death = scrapy.Field()
    place_of_birth = scrapy.Field()
    place_of_death = scrapy.Field()
    text = scrapy.Field()

class NWinnerSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = 'nwinners_full'
    allowed_domains = ['en.wikipedia.org']
    start_urls = [

    def parse(self, response):
        filename = response.url.split('/')[-1]
        h2s = response.xpath('//h2')

        for h2 in h2s[2:]: #ここは2つ飛ばす
            country = h2.xpath('span[@class="mw-headline"]/text()').extract()
            if country:
                winners = h2.xpath('following-sibling::ol[1]')
                for w in winners.xpath('li'):
                    #このようなリスト -> <Selector xpath='li' data='<li><a href="/wiki/Bertha_von_Suttner" t'>
                    #wdata['country'],wdata['born'] 国籍
                    wdata = process_winner_li(w, country[0])
                    request = scrapy.Request(wdata['link'], callback=self.parse_bio, dont_filter=True)
                    request.meta['item'] = NWinnerItem(**wdata)
                    yield request

    def parse_bio(self, response):
        item = response.meta['item']
        href = response.xpath("//li[@id='t-wikibase']/a/@href").extract()
        if href:
            url = href[0]
            request = scrapy.Request(url,\
            request.meta['item'] = item
            yield request

    def parse_wikidata(self, response):
        item = response.meta['item']
        property_codes = [
            {'name':'date_of_birth', 'code':'P569'},
            {'name':'date_of_death', 'code':'P570'},
            {'name':'place_of_birth', 'code':'P19', 'link':True},
            {'name':'place_of_death', 'code':'P20', 'link':True},
            {'name':'gender', 'code':'P21', 'link':True}

        p_template = '//*[@id="{code}"]/div[2]/div/div/div[2]' \
        for prop in property_codes:
            link_html = ''
            if prop.get('link'):
                link_html = '/a'
            sel = response.xpath(p_template.format(\
                code=prop['code'], link_html=link_html))
            if sel:
                item[prop['name']] = sel[0].extract()
        yield item

def process_winner_li(w, country=None):
    Process a winner's <li> tag, adding country of birth or nationality,
    as applicable.
    wdata = {}
    wdata['link'] = BASE_URL + w.xpath('a/@href').extract()[0]
    text = ' '.join(w.xpath('descendant-or-self::text()').extract())
    #'C\xc3\xa9sar Milstein , Physiology or Medicine, 1984'のような情報
    wdata['name'] = text.split(',')[0].strip()

    year = re.findall('\d{4}', text)
    if year:
        wdata['year'] = int(year[0])
        wdata['year'] = 0
        print('Oops, no year in ', text)

    category = re.findall(
            'Physics|Chemistry|Physiology or Medicine|Literature|Peace|Economics',
    if category:
        wdata['category'] = category[0]
        wdata['category'] = ''
        print('Oops, no category in ', text)

    if country:
        if text.find('*') != -1:
            wdata['country'] = ''
            wdata['born_in'] = country
            wdata['country'] = country
            wdata['born_in'] = ''

    # store a copy of the link's text-string for any manual corrections
    wdata['text'] = text
    return wdata


Argentinaだけ採取 f:id:bitop:20170918154117p:plain